Thursday, 21 May 2015


I know it's been a while posting, but i'm going to make sure i post more from now on! I've recently just come to the end of my degree, which is one of the reasons for lack of posting, but i'll make sure i do a post about my work on macro photography i did in my final year. (I'm proud of it)

Anyway, the main reason for this blog post was to tell everyone that i've set up my professional Instagram account! I know i've done a previous post about the pros and cons of Instagram, and i may be contradicting my self from what i said in it, but i decided i would take the leap and set it up. One of the biggest issue people have with setting up an Instagram account are the copyright infringements of your work. Makes it a lot easier for people to view and share your work, which is definitely a good thing, but makes it easier for people to use your work without permission. Not so good.

Well after reading lots of opinions of the matter i thought "this stage in my career i need people to see my work and know my name..", so i did it. Many very successful photographers have accounts which definitely helps get their work seen. But what i made sure of was that the pictures i uploaded were at a resolution that couldn't be blown up past A5 size, watermarked, and made sure my account says all rights reserved on it. If anyone wants to use my work for anything that would be great! Just ask me first and i'd be happy to help! 

My name on it is Peter Booth Photography, so i would love it if you guys out there reading this, who have it, give me a follow and enjoy! Those who don't? Get it and give me a follow anyway! Heh heh

If you can share and get my work seen that would be great! I'd love more people to enjoy my work!

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