Saturday, 23 November 2013


In January 2012 i decided to go travelling to a little place called Kenya. It wasn't a trip specifically for photography. I went to do what most people do when they take a year out. I went to teach, and experience new cultures. I taught, lived with, and met some amazing people, and every chance i got i documented this amazing country. The camera never really left my hand!

The majority of my photographic work out the was portraiture, and the children in the school were more than happy to have their picture taken. They would run up and ask if i had my camera, in their hundreds…

Here are a couple of my favourite images of the kids at the school, teachers, and local people in the community. 

If i could give one bit of advice, it would be travel. Even if you're not a photographer, you might never get another time to visit places like Africa, or India, or America, so if you can make the most of it!
All of these images were shot using natural light.
I want to show as much of my time out there as i can, so it may take a few blogs, so just keep an eye out!

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