Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Today i woke up full of optimism and excitement! I finally get to do a shoot i've been planning for a week. After doing a couple of practice shoots in the studio for my 'light painting' module at college, which meant me getting the lighting i want, and deciding on which external lights to use to give the desired effect of smoke (big yellow glow sticks), i was ready to go on location. 

I wanted to use the new athletics track near where i live to do a long exposed shoot with flash to advertise a pair of Nike Zoom Maxcat running spikes. I got permission to use the track, i got an assistant, and signed off borrowing the kit i needed. Then the time came…

After a long trek up to the track, with a dark cloud following us, we got there. Unfortunately, the cloud was not far behind, and was soon upon us. We were there no more than a minute when the downpour started, and it didn't let up. We decided to try and set up our kit under the little cover there was, and practice the distances we needed to shoot at and settings, hoping that the clouds would let up for 5-10 minutes so we could quickly run out on the track and shoot, so we didn't get the expensive ELECTRICAL equipment wet…but it was no use. After an hour or so of waiting, i decided to call it off. The storm wasn't going away. Weather 1, Pete 0.

We packed up, and got a pizza. Gotta look for the silver linings. 

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