Thursday, 21 November 2013

Star Shine

3 years ago on a chilly new years evening, i saw something on TV about photographing stars. Apparently it was quite simple according to the guy on the telly so i thought "Hey, why not!". First time for everything. I told my dad and he was keen too (photography seems to run in the family) so we headed out to our garden that night. Thankfully we live out in the middle of nowhere so there was very little light pollution.

I'm not going to lie, there was a lot of guess work going on as we forgot what the guy on the TV said. Tripods, long exposure time, blah blah blah. We were too exited to try it to listen to the rest. I ended up taking 30 second exposures so that the light on the horizon was just showing, and the stars were exposed enough. I also shot away from any buildings as the light from them would over expose the image. 

For my first time doing a long exposure shot of stars, i thought the results were alright! A little touch up in Photoshop just to bring out the stars a little, but apart from that you don't really need much else doing to them! 

Highly recommend giving it a go! Pretty much every modern camera you can take long exposures, just gotta keep it still. 

Oh, and don't forget to wrap up warm!

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